Automotive Cybersecurity Research

Automotive Cybersecurity Research Group at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Open Positions

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Thesis Topics

Interested in writing your Bachelor and/or Master thesis in our research group? Feel free to pick a topic from below or bring your own! You will usually be supervised by the PhD students and graded + supervised by one of our professors.

Category Short description Contact person
Software Analysis Binary Fuzzing Harness Generation
Web Security Analysis of backend services of sharing providers
Web Security Identifying JavaScript libraries in bundled files
Low-level Hacking Firmware analysis of an electric micro-mobility vehicle (E-Scooter)
Low-level Hacking Protocol analysis of an electric micro-mobility vehicle (E-Scooter)
Low-level Hacking Firmware analysis of shared micro-mobility vehicles (E-Scooters)
Low-level Hacking Protocol analysis of shared micro-mobility vehicles (E-Scooters)
Compilers (Cybersecurity enhancing )Compiler Engineering
Compilers (Cybersecurity enhancing )JIT-Compilation Library Engineering [1]
Compilers Comparative analysis of different Intermediate Representation (IR) models for their suitability for platform-independent static analysis
Automotive Concept for intercepting Cellular-V2X communication
Automotive Analysis of the attack surface of infotainment systems via the Bluetooth interface
Automotive Analysis of the attack surface of infotainment systems via the USB interface
Automotive Analysis of the attack surface of infotainment systems via the WLAN interface
Automotive Analysis of the attack surface of infotainment systems via the broadcast interface [2]
Automotive Analysis of log files from automotive control units for forensic use
Automotive Fuzzing of Bluetooth implementations (A2DP, PBAP, SDAP, …)
Software Analysis A Systematic Comparison and Analysis of Typesetting System Projects
Software Analysis A Systematic Mapping Study of Intrusion Detection Approaches for Automotive Networks
Software Analysis On Using Large Language Models for Compositional Program Analysis